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Why Your Top Producers Aren't Happy

Three ways to unleash advisors and boost their satisfaction.

Why your top producers aren't happy

Top-performing advisors are the foundation of any firm’s success. Top producer dissatisfaction can also be its downfall.

According to the J.D. Power 2017 Advisor Satisfaction Study, higher producers are the least satisfied employees. Why? Top performers are, by nature, entrepreneurial and enterprising — they need independence to thrive. And when they feel constrained by bureaucracy, job satisfaction declines. 

In this article in Investment News, Broadridge’s Donna Bristow examines three common constraints on advisor happiness – support infrastructure, compliance and digitization demands – and three fresh approaches to ensure advisor independence and retention to your firm. These include minimizing workflow inefficiencies from legacy systems, making advisors data enabled and augmenting client engagement with tools that accentuate advisor skills rather than displace them.