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Power of Teamwork: Team Bonding

Elite Athlete Management Program

Video Transcript

Speaker 1: You know, we end up in some pretty fun places. So for team building, it's kind of like location based. When we were out in Chula Vista, we kind of, as a team really got into croquet and other types of lawn games. We play like cornhole and things like that. Really just big into food. We really love eating together. There's something just so human about just sharing a meal with people and that becomes this, like really intimate and just really nice to just sit and have a meal with your teammates.

Speaker 2:  We love our eating like I everything goes back to meal time. We spend so much time with each other, but then we also spend all of our free time with each other as well. So we just enjoy that so much. If we just have meal time together, it's just going to be we're talking about random things.

Speaker 3: This fall, one of our very special things we did was we painted a mural in our gym because we have to take care of the gym space ourselves, and our teammate Camille and fellow bridge employee designed this mural, and every single person on the team helped paint it.

Speaker 2:  I would say it is like a family.

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