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White Paper

COVID Has Clarified the High Cost of Manual Processing

How work from home is re-igniting the drive to paperless.

The year 2020 will be a year to remember both personally and professionally for many on the planet for many reasons. Among the many “headliners” in financial services, it could be remembered as the year the industry finally takes that serious final turn away from manual processes and paper-driven tasks.

The last bastions of tasks and industries clinging to paper are starting to melt away as legacy processes have been among the hardest, most costly and riskiest tasks for firms to execute in the Covid era. This white paper will outline some of the key trends we are seeing with our clients at Broadridge during the pandemic; how financial services is adjusting to “the new normal”; and how the industry is lining up for a perfect storm to accelerate the move to e-everything and away from paper.

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