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Social Media Now

Four steps toward building your digital persona.

Fortunately, advisors like her can overcome real or imagined generation gaps by taking four simple digital steps:

  1. Build a professional social media persona: Nothing engages others as effectively as a professional Facebook page, Linkedin page and Twitter handle for starters. These are the first steps toward telling the world, “I’m ready to show you who I am, learn who you are – and share what I know.”
  2. Communicate what your target segments care about: Reach out and engage with your target demographics though the social media platforms they use. Ask to follow and be followed. It won’t take long before you are exchanging ideas about the stocks, trends, and investment ideas that attract their interest.
  3. Remember, everyone is cooler on social media: More than someone’s grandmother in Westchester, my baby boom advisor was able to show her youthful prospects she was in touch with who they were. By crafting a professional social media persona and communicating it others in her region she found she could build familiarity and trust around the financial topics they cared about the most.
  4. Be as selective as your clients are: Social media is a two-way street. That can work to the advisor’s advantage. Just as clients are searching out the advisor they essentially want to spend their life with; advisors too can identify and nurture the clients they want to keep. Social media just makes the match-making process easier.

Senior financial advisors have this advantage over their younger counterparts – they are senior financial advisors. They can express their years of expertise across different social media entry points as they build their business on different platforms. Cultivate one demographic on Facebook and nurture another on Instagram while attracting others to your uploaded video presentations on You-Tube.

Not Just for the Young Ones

It’s no secret that social media platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, have become a part of the societal norm among Americans. About 72% of Americans use some type of social media, according to the Pew Research Center.[1] Right wrong or indifferent we are all living our lives now via social media. Regardless of demographic, social media is part of everyone's life.

According to findings from a recent Broadridge survey[2] 54 percent of investors said they were more likely to use social media as a source for personal finance information than they were a year ago. That means more than two-fifths may be more likely to take an investment recommendation from their financial advisor through social media.

How’s Your Persona?

From non-fungible tokens to trading apps, investor behaviors are changing. Effective data-driven social media marketing can be achieved with the right support. Tapping into Broadridge Wealth Management solutions can help you overcome the unfamiliarity of social media. For insights and support, consider contacting your Broadridge Account Representative by calling +1 855 252 3822 or visiting us online at

[1]Pew Research Social Media Fact Sheet
[2] Broadridge Wealth Management 2021: Using Technology to Engage Clients

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